Linda Jackson
After my husband passed I decided I wasn’t going to make any decisions I didn’t have to unless a clear sign fell on my head from above (a little grumpy with God I guess). Although I believed that authentic Mediums exist, I had no intention of going to one. Then I received an email from a friend about some upcoming local event. I glanced at it just to see who would be there and Michelle’s name jumped out at me. A bit of research into her website and Youtube videos later and I signed up for a reading. That first reading (in the Fall of 2016) was pretty amazing. Not only did my husband come through loud and clear in all his quirky glory, but a couple of my Spirit Guides showed up as well. My Guardian Guide even described something that was destined to happen a couple of days later.
Since that time I have had other readings with Michelle and taken several courses from her. I’ve been deeply involved in spiritual matters for a long time and this turned out to be a good way to try and move forward in a very altered life without my beloved partner physically at my side (although he does like to make a metaphysical nuisance of himself moving things about and playing with the electricity in the house ~ just kidding, of course, I love that he shows up pretty much every day for short visits).
I’ve come to know Michelle, not only as a gifted, ethical, and empathic Medium but as a friend. She is someone I trust unabashedly . . . kind, gentle, humble, but with the determined heart of a true spiritual warrior. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone wishing to connect with their Spirit Guides or loved ones on the other side.