Terry Petkau
During a virtual Helping Parents Heal gallery reading with Mitch Ott, my son ‘piggybacked‘ strongly through the previous reading and then Mitch called on me and brought through my son in an incredible way. Between the piggybacking and the reading, Mitch’s accuracy was remarkable and extended to a number of areas, including the following:
personal details about my son as well as his personality, character, and favourite pastimes;
my loving relationship with my son and the specific things I would encourage him about;
my son’s lighthearted and accurate description of my husband’s personality and that he was building something in honour of him;
the loving exchange I often have with my husband about a particular area and even the term of endearment I use;
one of the first incredible signs my son gave us as well as other signs;
and even something as mundane as our TV not working correctly.
I simply can’t recommend Mitch highly enough. His warmth and enthusiasm shone through the reading, the latter of which has had a significant life-changing effect on both me and my husband in our healing journey. Where once we held only a belief in our son’s continued existence, we now have an absolute knowing. And for the first time, we are able to sense our son’s presence. Thank you so very much, Mitch! Your reading changed everything for us and in the most welcome and remarkable way!