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Isabella Johannson

Located in Phoenix, AZ

Isabella Johnson is an Evidentiary Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, Grief Recovery Specialist, Remote Viewer, author and lecturer. Born with the gift of seeing those in Spirit, Isabella has committed her life to providing healing and comfort to the bereaved. She allows herself to be a pure channel for those in Spirit wishing to have a continuing conversation or closure with their loved ones still in the physical. As a Medical Intuitive, Isabella can locate areas in the body where past or current trauma now manifest as illness and/or disease and helps her clients release the symptoms by focusing on healing. Isabella is able to see the Soul, the divine part of our being, and remind her clients of their Souls true purpose here in this lifetime. Isabella brings compassion and empathy to every reading. Her approach is matter of fact and nonjudgmental. As an Angel Mom herself, Isabella’s ability to reconnect parents with their children and other loved ones in Spirit provides comfort, healing and hope. As a Spiritualist, Isabella firmly believes that each Soul survives the transition called death and will reunite again with those they love. As a Medium, Isabella strives to bring evidence that those in Spirit are with us always, that they continue to grow on the Other Side and that truly Love never dies


  • Evidentiary Mediumship
  • Psychic Readings
  • Medical Intuitive
  • Remote Viewer
  • Soul Path
  • Grief Companion
  • Speaker / Lecturer
  • Author

Reading Charge & Duration

For pricing, visit Isabella's website.

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Reviews with Comments

Carolyn Hunt
one year ago

Isabella is a gem of a human being and an enormously skilled medium healer. There aren't enough words to convey the difference she has made in our lives since our son's transition 3 years ago. Her dedication and empathy are extraordinary. She feels along with us grieving parents. We love and appreciate Isabella so much!!!

Tracy Soussi
2 years ago

I have had many readings from what I consider to be the best mediums available.  I can honestly say that Isabella Johnson is one of the best mediums I have ever had the pleasure to have a reading from.

My son, Aymen, transitioned. During my reading from Isabella I felt as if I was hearing directly from Aymen.  The validations and accuracy were incredible. There was not one message I did not understand or had to question.

Isabella is not only a wonderful medium but she is loving, caring, kind, generous and gives a parent so much knowing that our children are still with us and eager to give evidence and reassurance.

Dozens of my friends have had readings with Isabella and they all came away with the same opinion.  They all felt that their readings with Isabella were among the best they have ever had.

One of my daughters also had a reading with Isabella and my other daughter is planning to as well. I don’t trust many people with the emotions of my girls, but I have no hesitation having them speak with Isabella.

Without a doubt, I highly recommend Isabella to anyone or everyone who has someone in spirit that they would like to hear from.  Isabella is a true blessing.

2 years ago

My reading from Isabella took place on September 11th, 2018. This reading came about suddenly and unexpectedly and it is one that I will never forget.  The quality and quantity of validations were superb. 

My son came in as soon as Isabella and I have introduced ourselves to one another.  The flow of the communication was natural and easy.  The stunningly accurate validations came one after another with hardly a pause.  I felt my son with us. His high vibration and personality was undeniable. It was like time and space had dissolved.  I was laughing all the way with so much Joy and Love!  I was having a reunion with my precious son and only child. 

No one could have known those intimate and  personal details that Isabella was talking about in her genuine and loving way.   Isabella, I am very grateful to you and to my son for making this happen. The Peace and Healing I have from this reunion with my child is the most precious gift I can ever ask for. It is beyond any doubt that my son is in the best ‘place’ carrying on with Life and Learning.  My husband and I are comforted with our ongoing and loving relationship with him.  We are blessed with the signs and synchronicities showing us his constant presence with us.  We thank you and wish you good health and happiness!  Much love, Mabel

Elizabeth Kaplan
2 years ago

My son passed 8 months ago. I have had several medium readings since then but I wasn’t completely satisfied. I was looking for that “wow” reading that would explain more than just evidential details proving that my son was still here. I knew and believed that 100% but was looking for more answers that would explain the spiritual reasons behind our relationship and what had happened. What was my role with him and our family and what was I intended to learn from this? My reading with Isabella was incredible. I would like to call her the relationship medium. My son, mother, father and father in law all showed up during the reading. She proceeded to go into details of each person with accuracy and then explain the dynamics of how they all related to me and my husband and our family still here. It gave me a deeper understanding of my sons role and purpose and his relationship with us. All while supplying evidence of their personalities with high accuracy. She was particularly adept at picking up nuanced personality traits that were unique. I was blown away and walked away with a much better understanding and knowing that my son had accomplished his mission here. I was so intrigued to find out more in-depth information regarding my purpose here that I scheduled a soul reading with Isabella. That was also amazing, informative and up lifting. I now have a clearer understanding of my soul group, the roles we play with each other and my purpose in this life. She filled out the big picture for me. I also saw that the relationship with those passed continues while we are here and difficulties with other family members can continue to be worked on between realms. I knew this but didn’t realize it completely. It was as if the light bulb turned on. Isabella is compassionate and honest in her delivery and has a way of getting right to the nitty gritty which is exactly what I wanted. Her readings were a true gift to me and my family. I am forever grateful.